Bryan Jones-King
Happily married, 49-year-old bear, seriously into the sinking-spinning-swearing-stuck in the mud scene. I wear as much leather or rubber as I can every day, and everywhere, even though Boston summers can get torrid. I love being asked, “Dude, aren’t you all hot and sweaty with those big boots on?
Whether or not I’m out getting my truck stuck in the mud, I have my boots on with jeans tucked in. I switch between rubber knee boots/hip boots and leather boots, including combat, cowboy, engineer, logger, tactical and work. Whatever I’m doing, I got my huge size 14 boots on.
Getting my motorcycle stuck in the mud was a disaster, but very hot. Spinning the tires on a quad until all 4 went under was amazing and led to some wild afternoons. Only one time I got stuck accidentally while out with guys, and I was wearing new, exotic cowboy boots; so, I pulled them off, peeled off my sweaty boot socks, and jumped in that shit barefoot to push his car out of deep mud. What an evening that was!