I live out in the country and have a big lot with multiple vehicles. I have two trucks one 2019 wich is my everyday commute and the other that is a yard truck. I also have a beater car that I cruise around the property and sometimes just spin the tires until thay blow!!! But at the end of the day I fix them myself!! If u have the mechanics skills then ur fine!! Have fun and burn them tires!!!
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Ever damaged a vehicle getting stuck? -
Where do you live?I live in Canada
Ever had a relationship with a stuck/tire spinning dude?I have a friend like that to but unfortunately he's straight as well but he will spin his tires until thay shred wile I jack off and he deosnt care I do it. But he doesn't get hard but at least I have a friend that will let me jack off beside him wile he makes the tires scream..
new stuck video rear wheel view@kevin aww I can't see it its privateitalicised text