Amen! Please post some good ones here when you find them (including pickup trucks. I haven't run across many). These channels are an embarrassment of riches, but it can take a lot of time paging through the offerings. I don't know how the language works, either, so searching for words is a challenge. You're right about very young, even pre-teen once in awhile, although I don't recall seeing any stuck scenes with that age.
ติดหล่ = be stuck
จมอยู่กับ = be bogged down
คา = strand, remain stuck
ติดหล่มคันน = Stuck in Khanna quagmire
ติดหล่มหนัก = stuck in mud
ติดโคลน = stuck in mud
เด็กชายขับรถอยู่ในโคลน = boy driving in mud