BMW? Didn’t realize those were so popular. I’ve got a BMW wagon and wish I had a pickup. Lol

Poll: what should I drive for a next video? -
YouTube -
YouTube -
YouTubeLots of mud slinging and spinning. One stuck at the end...
Trail riding with my friend Jarrett! – 20:15
— Truck Life 921 -
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YouTubeThis is a good one. No actual spinning, but if you’re a sucker for an Aussie accent like me, you might enjoy it...
Stuck really bad in mud – 03:03
— Navarone Salerno -
Things that turn you onI’ve got a smoking fetish along with the stuck fetish. So seeing a guy smoke while he’s trying to rock his truck out of a mud hole is about as good as it gets for me.
The first timeDamn. I’m not usually into stuck motorcycles, but that was great!
Where do you live?San Diego! Any other SoCal guys out there?
Sexual OrientationBi, but seeing a woman stuck does nothing for me. Seeing a woman stuck in a compact, front wheel drive car is my definition of boner hell. Boner heaven is a Marlboro cowboy with his rwd pickup buried in a mud hole. Dare to dream.
"I Didn't Mean to Get Your Truck STUCK!"@HardStuck just joined the site. Wow. Excellent fucking story.