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StuckGuys is a forum for people with a stuck/spinning fetish. This involves usually guys spinning or getting their vehicle stuck in mud/snow/sand or anything else. Everyone is welcome here. If your interested in stuck females check out StuckWorld
  • News about the StuckGuys website

    20 Topics
    195 Posts
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  • A place to discuss anything stuck related

    130 Topics
    2k Posts

    @so-very-stuck8 In that type of situation, by the time you feel the tires spin, a few seconds later you might be truly stuck. Once you stop moving and you keep spinning the tires you just sink. Thinking I can do this, but knowing the tires are sinking deeper. You boot pushing even more desparately on the gas pedal, pleading with the suv. No, don't leave me stuck, why did i drive here, secretly knowing exactly why you drove out here just not want to admit the source of how turned on you are. Why does it feel so erotic to push on the gas and have the tires spin, to feel so vulnerable

  • A place to share your stuck experiences both real and fictional

    166 Topics
    980 Posts

    @stuckfanjay said in Stuck at Work:

    Can't wait to hear more!
    This is perfect.. slight hill, snow, helpless rwd car.

    ..and trying abdvtrying grrrrrrrr

  • A place to share content. Photos,Videos either you have found or made yourself

    410 Topics
    5k Posts

    @Speed-Racer would love to get my foot underneath those Jeep tires in the mud

  • A place to talk about non stuck stuff

    76 Topics
    911 Posts
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Forum Rules
  1. Be kind to each other. This forum is a safe space for everyone
  2. No sexual images/videos shared on here because of hosting issues
  3. Posts should be in English as that is main language here. Or German in its specific category. Keep replies the same language please







