Wow, thanks! It's very hot how you're playing with your bike. Love the power of this beast and all the low end torque. Old XR600-s also have a very long and sexy seat, great for fucking with the bike.
Some videos of Asian guys spinning wheels
These are muddier:
ช่วยด้วย‼️ รถพระเอกเจมส์บอลติดหล่ม – 06:31
— แนน วันญาพร ใจเกินร้อย Official -
I think the pickups in the mud are particularly hot. It's wonderful how the wheels spin, get dirty and the whole vehicle gets dirty. The young Asian driver is also very hot. He probably drives a pickup truck. I would have loved to sit next to him. I'd love to see more great, exciting videos like this. -
The Thais have a lot of cool videos with stuck trucks, pickups, etc. There are a lot of "truck spotters". Here in Germany that would be unthinkable, you would be sent away straight away and recordings would not be allowed due to data protection and so on and so on!!!! -
The driver is so hot in his jeans
รถดั้มหกล้อ ติดหล่ม SLOW MOTION truck thailand – 10:03
These two guys are so hot spinning wheels
รถติดหล่ม เมื่อไมตี้รุ่นคุณปู่ติดหล่ม จะขึ้นไหวไหมนะ – 07:35
— Che Chef