@Max Ohh that sounds very hot. I like Yamaha dirtbikes
So hot rubber boots have so going like made pumping away
I don’t care what I’m wearing, or you for that matter. Rubber boots or wellies are made for the job. As long as the car get stuck off course.
I'm right up there with you. I'll put on one or two vids which don't really illustrate getting stuck very well, just a bit of spinning, but show driving in wellingtons. Big dirt-engrained shagged out wellingtons have had me fixed since a toddler when someone stood me in father's farm wellingtons and they came up to my crotch. Bingo. I almost always put on a pair of wellingtons for driving the Land Rover. Can't understand wearing anything else if your're likely to get into any mud ! If you're going to get stuck, get a pair of wellies, and trash them as you pump the pedals. Double whammy.
There's nothing else for getting stuck in mud. The wellies get you horny first, then take over, crashing the pedals while yoiu struggle to get out. Get into a big shagged out air of old fashioned once black rubbeer wellies qnd the fun starts
Wellies make it better
I don't wear boots myself, but I imagine that the smell of the stinky feet in the boots must be awesome