Very hot vid. As far as I'm concerned, you can post a longer vid like this. Did you also have a hard-on in your pants while driving? I had it the whole time I was watching this vid.
I don't remember how I found this video, perhaps by searching "Off-road" + another Turkish word. No word for "stuck" appears. Turkish is not at all like English, but translators seem to have little trouble translating accurately between the two languages (unlike e.g. Russian). Here are some words to look for:
Araba car
sürme drivingbatma sinking
takıldı stuck
patinaj skid
gazlama gassing
yolda kalmış stuck on the way, stranded
sıkışmış jammed
kötü takılmış stuck fast, badly stuckA distinctive feature of Turkish Youtube culture is a genre known as "Araba Kaçırma" (car missing or hijack) in which young guys either take, or seem to take, a car they don't own for a joyride. You can find many examples, as though there were a competition to see who can make the boldest or most interesting videos from this scenario. Thus far, unfortunately, I haven't seen anyone go off-road or get anywhere near stuck, but maybe one of these days.... winter approaches.
Good farm truck stuck plus bonus tractor spinning
Farm Truck Fail! Stuck In The Mud (A Day On The 140 Year Old Farm Part 2) – 14:22
@tcf17013 Fuck Yeah, Man! One of my favorites! Pull off the side into that nice, DEEP snow... Enjoy as it teases and tantalizes your HARD COCK until those tires are hopelessly snared in their icy trap. Playing our all-time #1 hit tune - No Traction Tire Spinning Symphony #1!!!
I know some you gentlemen will love this one! Hot guy, unprepared, removes his athletic footwear, leaves the door open, exposing his white-socked feet as he spins his BMW helplessly in the thick mud! Checks all the boxes!
BMW x5 From cool to fool, stuck in mud! part 3 – 01:04
— K G -
Un jeune français qui avait envie de s'embourbé
I'm French in reality he really wants to get bogged down because when he stops he says: "it's not deep enough". he should be encouraged to do this kind of videos
Sorry for translate