nice!! hopefully you got a video of it
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It’s been a little longer than I wanted.
@gravey1of2 dangling a smoke while looking at the back tires spinning. Best. Video. Ever.
@sd78qsk My other failure this day was forgetting to delete the 6GB worth of deleted items from the folder on the phone I use as a camera and having only two minutes out of an hour and a half of doing everything I could think of to try to get stuck. Dropped the fronts into the holes I dug in this video and forward or backward, from both sides, just churned right out of it. Turning sharp made some pretty good donuts, but even braking hard in the middle of the donut, turning the other way, and hammering on it, just pulled right out. I even made it up a 30 degree incline without bogging in. some guys have all the luck, I guess…