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StuckGuys is a forum for people with a stuck/spinning fetish. This involves usually guys spinning or getting their vehicle stuck in mud/snow/sand or anything else. Everyone is welcome here. If your interested in stuck females check out StuckWorld

Tire reviews

Stuck Chat
  • I am shopping for tires and of course I am looking for the ones with the poorest traction.

    At Tire Rack I found one that is pretty widely condemned for lack of traction. I got a boner reading the reviews:

  • The best review:

    "January 31, 2019
    These tires came factory on my F150. I came from a set of Genral Grabber AT2's on my last pickup, being a highway tire I knew these wouldn't be close to the same, but when it comes to winter driving these tires slip right past poor and crash right into down right dangerous. While the siping looks ok for a highway tire, they do not perform up to par in winter conditions. Even light snow (1-3") start to cause traction issues, deep snow (over 6") will surely lead to you getting hopelessly stuck with nothing but spinning tires. Any packed snow or ice is where they get downright scary. Stopping becomes an issue, but getting going is a real issue. Trying to pull away from a stop sign if there is cross traffic coming requires multiple blocks of space between the oncoming cars or you will be half into the intersection with you hopelessly trying to get going and your tires doing nothing but spinning in place. Even low speed cornering becomes an issue on ice and packed snow. If you live in a southern state with no snow, these would probably be an acceptable on-road tire, but if you get winter don't risk it."

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