Very hot vid. As far as I'm concerned, you can post a longer vid like this. Did you also have a hard-on in your pants while driving? I had it the whole time I was watching this vid.
@sandyricks I will check. Sometimes there are other good videos in channels I find. Cute drivers are a major plus indeed. Glad you enjoyed!
@tcf17013 Nice vid, Travis! Thanks for posting it!
I like the first truck attempting to get through the mud and bogging down. Particularly since it is an older truck.
@stuckadam This dude seriously wants to spin his tires - very cool!
@spinthosetires yes this is the only video that has worked well on his channel i hope that i can do one again and i don't understand if he says i am european
Big dump truck stuck.15 minute video!
Heavy dump truck Slippery stuck in mud and pull out by other big truck – 15:30
— Mr Machines -
A few additional "hot" videos:
Busses stuck and sliding in the mud! Passengers seem to enjoy it:)
Young guys using their RWD cars in snow the right way!!
Mate, I reckon she's stuck
Big Tundra stuck!! – 03:45
— RHTbluetrokadriver -
I love this video with this young man spinning: