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StuckGuys is a forum for people with a stuck/spinning fetish. This involves usually guys spinning or getting their vehicle stuck in mud/snow/sand or anything else. Everyone is welcome here. If your interested in stuck females check out StuckWorld
YouTube last month age restricted a video I had up for SIX YEARS AND FOUR MONTHS with no issue.
See my channel Centredoorplugs Thornton, note spelling, all that video is is my workboots on accelerator and brake as I drive along in my Super Duty which I traded in couple years later.
No feet in this video...sorry. Perhaps later on. I just wanted to share a quick video of my new Mustang. I am considering having a picture drawn of me stuck in it >:3
Ok @doctord, there's the preview. The PlastiCar is definitely not up to deep mudding. Thanks to Chud327 for getting right down to business and destroying it.