Very hot vid. As far as I'm concerned, you can post a longer vid like this. Did you also have a hard-on in your pants while driving? I had it the whole time I was watching this vid.
Interesting article of a young reporter driving his bmw on a muddy road
https://www.wisbechstandard.co.uk/home/motors/reporter-gets-bmw-stuck-in-mud-1-6495699 -
My favorites with Russian crazy drivers:
Танки грязи не бояться – 05:16
— АЛЕКСАНДР ГРЕБЕННИКОВSpinning until the tires smoke!!!!!!!
car stuck in mud pedal pump in flip flops – 05:01
— marinozoqueteOne of my favorite videos of all time despite its poor quality.
@DrMoneystacks An oldie but a goodie
Что он вытворяет - Посадил пацана без опыта за руль УАЗа Головастика
= What does he get up - Put the kid with no experience behind the wheel of an UAZ Tadpole
Что он вытворяет - Посадил пацана без опыта за руль УАЗа Головастика – 25:56
Another dude in trouble in mud with his RWD Bmw
So exciting to watch
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nqtDrh-5LYQ&noapp=1 -
@gerrardkyle : me too:) I would like to be passenger on the back seat🤪!!
Just love it
MEBELY SHOW _ Покатушки На УАЗике (ride on UAZ) - rather long snow stuck
This guy seems to have found a fun spot. must enjoy it as he has done 2x videos there