@so-very-stuck8 In that type of situation, by the time you feel the tires spin, a few seconds later you might be truly stuck. Once you stop moving and you keep spinning the tires you just sink. Thinking I can do this, but knowing the tires are sinking deeper. You boot pushing even more desparately on the gas pedal, pleading with the suv. No, don't leave me stuck, why did i drive here, secretly knowing exactly why you drove out here just not want to admit the source of how turned on you are. Why does it feel so erotic to push on the gas and have the tires spin, to feel so vulnerable
Where do you live?
@Redsman said in Where do you live?:
Hi! Just finished relocating from San Diego to Columbus Ohio area. There’s gotta be more guys into getting stuck out here! lol
I sometimes get thru the Columbus area, I'm a truck driver.
Sink his truck and spin like fuck
@Redsman said in Where do you live?:
Anybody out there near Dayton, ohio? After 12 years in SoCal I’m moving back east.
In my youth, I envied Californians and yearned to be among them. Even its shape on the map evokes a figure leaning lazily against the wall of the Pacific ocean without a care in the world. But now I can't blame you at all. People are leaving in droves, not only because of weather events but even more, the government. So many want out that the powers-that-be itch to impose an exit tax. False imprisonment, I'd call it, and probably unconstitutional. I read a book once citing scientific data showing that long-term, the climate of California is quite inhospitable. We've just been lucky in the past 400 years. Maybe the party's over.
I've been in the Philadelphia area for almost forty years and love it here. Every ten years or so the vestige of a hurricane pays us a call, but otherwise the weather has been free of major problems (knocking on wood...). I'm amazed and almost feel guilty enjoying such temperate, stable conditions when all over the world people are desperate.
@Florian I liked California. My father passed last year. My mother needs assistance and my sister travels internationally for work frequently. My husbands parents live in WV, so it’s closer for him as well. Despite loving San Diego, we decided to move back to spend more time with family. I will say that it’s ridiculously expensive. If you find an 800 sq foot house for under $500,000 consider yourself lucky, and when we left gas was about $5.70 a gallon.
I am in NC
I’m from UK
@Geertholland Belgium here (Limburg)
Where abouts -
Germany here, close to Frankfurt..
France, near Lyon
@westfil11 Scotland
You get stuck much
Ireland, Dublin