Motorbikes don't do anything for me.
Stuck truck, muddy guys
Found this picture online. have no idea where it is from exactly or any story behind it but they look kinda stuck (if only the picture went over more to the right) and them guys covered in mud OOOF
Thought I would share it here for you guys to enjoy. sadly its like the only picture like this. very hard to find a picture with hot guys and mud together it seems
@tcf17013 tbh I would just love to know a guy near me who would get stuck and enjoys it too. So hard to find guys that love driving right into some muddy ground
@stuckadam - ich kann das nachvollziehen. Die leute haben einfach nur Angst um Ihr Auto oder Motorrad. Und das ist schrecklich traurich
awesome pic those guys had to have had fun getting truck and themselves Muddy
Very hot the one on the left giving her the wellie while the one on the right is trying to push
@barefootcarstuck mit ner dreckigen Karre rumzufahren habe ich auch kein Problem, aber es ist schon geil, wenn die Räder schön drehen und man mekt, dass die Hose immer enger wird. Ich helfe denn schön nach