It must have been very horny and exciting for you when the stranger was digging around with your car. Did everything stay dry with you?????
🌶 💦 💦
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More snow and mud stuck
I went at it again today. This time I got some inside shots.
snow then mud – 03:17
— Sir Stuck-a-Lotboots – 01:53
— Sir Stuck-a-LotInside view while stuck – 01:41
— Sir Stuck-a-Lot -
@sd78qsk I'll tell you what I did try. Those cleats that thread through the wheel opening and look like a block across the tread. All they did was to dig a bigger hole. They might work in snow but don't try them for mud.
Anyway, I took them off and started spinning again in the now much larger ruts. With more room to rock, I was able to build up enough momentum after 50 or so cycles that I got free going backwards and ended up further in the yard where I promptly got stuck again. That is where I left it.
@sirstuck I got a pair of those once. Field trial: back my F250 into a slick rut. Strap one on each rear tire. Put in drive hit throttle spun out no move. Got out, one of em was missing. Put truck in 4 low to pull out. Found one of em with torn nylon strap.
On a Thanksgiving Sunday when l should have just gone to Newark Delaware train station get photos of Amtrak holiday specials. -
Wow inside shots are great love the boots wish i could be a passenger so much
Sir Stuck...perhaps the master at getting STUCK...spinning the tires...wearing and driving in cowboy boots and pedal shots! Excellent as always! Thanks for all the contributions you've given through the years! You the best, Sir!