@sirstuck Wow, that brings back memories of me getting our truck stuck in the snow last winter. Trying so hard to get going but pulling forward only to slide back. It was so cold out. These guys were pushing me, telling me to go go go. But i was so stuck. My boot pushing hard on and off the gas. I really needed better tires that was a big part of the problem. I was secretly enjoying being the center of attention and enjoy those feelings as I pushed on the gas and the tires spun. Talking to the truck, come on come on. The rear tires spinning but not getting much traction. The truck rocking back in forth.
In difficoltà sulla sabbia
Vedere questi tre ragazzi affannarsi a spingere mentre lui sciolto con una sigaretta e la ragazza in auto da emozionare molto.
Quando capisce che non ce la fanno la fa scendere ma continua a stare disinvolto .
Il motore ruggisce le ruote scivolano i ragazzi quasi esausti alla fine riescono a farlo uscire. -
@max Seeing these three guys scrambling to push while he melted with a cigarette and the girl in the car get excited a lot.
When he realizes they can't make it he drops her off but continues to be cool.
The engine roars the wheels slip the almost exhausted boys finally manage to get it out