Schon geil. wenn die großen Dinger auf dem Acker am wühlen sind und die alles so richtig tief umpflügen und sich versuchen rauszuquälen. Da bleibt ER nicht lange ruhig, bei dir sicherlich auch!!!!! 🍆 💦
Tractor stuck exiting field with load of cabbages
We grew swedes; these Turkish farmers in the mountains grow cabbages - whether for stoc feed or for human consumtion I don't know. In this clip you can see the guy's turned-down wellingtons with is a bonus. Change the tractor for a 1940s or 1950s model and it might be back at home in my chidhood and youth. -
@booted-dLikes the video, especially if it's young drivers who get stuck and keep digging!river
Can't promise child porn (and wouildn't); the drivers are chunky dark and swarthy early middle-aged, often in orange wellingtons. They seem to spend their whole working lives with their tractors struggling in the wet clay soil when trying to harvest their crop. The camera-work tends to be good. Following leads from that clip will open up a big lot more stucks.
Perhaps this one is more to your liking.
— Geovane Moro