@Hard-Drifter Einfach nur geil, wie ausdauernd die wühlen. Herrlich verdreckte Räder! Wunderbar langes Vid! Das lässt doch niemand von uns kalt. Freu mich schon auf meinen nächsten Ausritt ins Gelände.
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kevins muddy pics
I usually carry unstuck equipment in my vehicles. That day I didn't have anything other than a tow strap and shovel in Bone Dawg. Once I got 'er spun down to the axle (which didn't take long) I was FUCKED! Tires were packed smooth with thick, sticky mud and couldn't get enough traction to move Bone Dawg even after I dug it out. Some guy in a RAM Diesel came along and we put the tow strap to work.
@HardStuck damn thats hot! i love when it gets thick and sticky! Had this situation last year on a path the tractor used to drive along a lot and softened the ground very well. you sink so much faster there once the wheel is spinning.
@HardStuck heh thank you! well this situation is a good workout too at the same time. at least one certain muscle will be worked out more than in gym
had a very nice forest ride few days ago. it was on a spot i haven't been for a while and turned out the ground got really soft there lately. the backwheel didn't really sink deep but that rutt had this kind of super slick mud that doesn't allow any wheel to get some traction so it was spinning no matter how careful pulling the throttle. i was already in boxers only so there was not even a chance to "reduce" more weight. thats when i knew i was fucked. but i didn't gave up and kept revving it until i couldn't hold back anymore
well i really wish i could but i haven't found a place that is secluded enough to do this stuff during daytime. and at nights you don't really see a thing unfortunately. but once it gets warmer i plan to do a longer trip to the alps, maybe even stay in a hotel somewhere far from any town. that would be a nice opportunity for actual video recording.
That would make a great video! Gotta love that slick surface mud that clogs up the tires and takes away any hope of traction. I'll bet those abs get real defined when you get 'er stuck and spinnin' with your hard cock about to deliver a load! Heh, Heh>>>
@Thommo well i can highly recommend it to you! i'm very sure you will enjoy the feeling of being stuck like that. also there's nothing better than to cum without even having to use your hand, just giving in to the moment and stimulation from the revving engine
@Kevin said in kevins mud adventures:
@Thommo there's nothing better than to cum without even having to use your hand
Does that ever happen in a car or truck?
When I was a little tyke, we lived at the edge of town, with houses sparse and surrounded with big yards (if you can call them that-- there were also plenty of trees and even small swamps). To the south of our home lived two teenage boys who had motorcycles. There was a rather steep hill to the east of their yard, and in the winter they would spend hours attempting to drive them to the top of the hill. They didn't often succeed. I recall watching them. It must have been a formative experience.
@Florian said in kevins mud adventures:
@Kevin said in kevins mud adventures:
@Thommo there's nothing better than to cum without even having to use your hand
Does that ever happen in a car or truck?
well it never happened to me with cars. but still good hard ons at stucks heh
@Florian said in kevins mud adventures:
There was a rather steep hill to the east of their yard, and in the winter they would spend hours attempting to drive them to the top of the hill. They didn't often succeed. I recall watching them. It must have been a formative experience.
i'm pretty sure it was. do you remember was this the first time you seen vehicles stuck at all? to me it's always interesting to hear how fetishs evolved to where they are now.