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kevins muddy pics

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  • had a very nice forest ride few days ago. it was on a spot i haven't been for a while and turned out the ground got really soft there lately. the backwheel didn't really sink deep but that rutt had this kind of super slick mud that doesn't allow any wheel to get some traction so it was spinning no matter how careful pulling the throttle. i was already in boxers only so there was not even a chance to "reduce" more weight. thats when i knew i was fucked. but i didn't gave up and kept revving it until i couldn't hold back anymore 💦💦💦


  • Do you get video. wud be good to pics of your bike spinning and you gettim hard.

  • well i really wish i could but i haven't found a place that is secluded enough to do this stuff during daytime. and at nights you don't really see a thing unfortunately. but once it gets warmer i plan to do a longer trip to the alps, maybe even stay in a hotel somewhere far from any town. that would be a nice opportunity for actual video recording.

  • That would make a great video! Gotta love that slick surface mud that clogs up the tires and takes away any hope of traction. I'll bet those abs get real defined when you get 'er stuck and spinnin' with your hard cock about to deliver a load! Heh, Heh>>>

  • yeah indeed and you're right! thats the nice side effect of getting stuck on regular base. rocking your bike back and forth and trying to get it out of a muddy rut is the best workout for abs and even better for your bone heh

  • Fuck Kev, your makin me want to get a bike. Sinkin the back wheel in the mud an feelin the machin revvin and throbin between ya legs as ua cock gets hard-wow 💦💦

  • @Thommo well i can highly recommend it to you! i'm very sure you will enjoy the feeling of being stuck like that. also there's nothing better than to cum without even having to use your hand, just giving in to the moment and stimulation from the revving engine

  • @Kevin said in kevins mud adventures:

    @Thommo there's nothing better than to cum without even having to use your hand

    Does that ever happen in a car or truck?

    When I was a little tyke, we lived at the edge of town, with houses sparse and surrounded with big yards (if you can call them that-- there were also plenty of trees and even small swamps). To the south of our home lived two teenage boys who had motorcycles. There was a rather steep hill to the east of their yard, and in the winter they would spend hours attempting to drive them to the top of the hill. They didn't often succeed. I recall watching them. It must have been a formative experience.

  • @Florian said in kevins mud adventures:

    @Kevin said in kevins mud adventures:

    @Thommo there's nothing better than to cum without even having to use your hand

    Does that ever happen in a car or truck?

    well it never happened to me with cars. but still good hard ons at stucks heh

    @Florian said in kevins mud adventures:

    There was a rather steep hill to the east of their yard, and in the winter they would spend hours attempting to drive them to the top of the hill. They didn't often succeed. I recall watching them. It must have been a formative experience.

    i'm pretty sure it was. do you remember was this the first time you seen vehicles stuck at all? to me it's always interesting to hear how fetishs evolved to where they are now.

  • No, there were incidents of our car stuck in the driveway before then. The garage was behind the house and the dirt driveway led to the street further behind still. Of course everything seems bigger to a child, but my memory is that it must have been almost a hundred feet long with a curve near the garage.
    Shoveling it out well in the winter (upper midwest) would be a huge chore, so mom and dad must have done no more than they thought was necessary, leaving plenty of opportunties to get stuck.

  • oh i see. maybe they secretly are into stucking too and left some snow for fun heh
    i always say why shoveling when you can just revv harder and have fun 😏

  • had some hard time getting home. no matter how much i was revving, the wheel couldn't get out of this rut


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  • @Kevin very nice work Kevin.

  • @easygoingguy thank you! it also felt really nice after this long time. being stuck in snow is so different and a nice change from time to time

  • Hi! Schöne geile Fotos hast du hier gepostet. Es dauert nicht lange und es regt sich da bei mir was in der Hose!👍
    Gibst du hier auch mal ein Vid. ein??
    Weiterhin geile Action in der Natur!!

  • Hi!
    Deine Beule ist ne Keule! Waaaahnsinn, wie geil du bist! Body ist genauso geil!😮
    Mehr! Mehr! Mehr!

  • -english translation below-

    @rauhbein1 danke! ja werde auf jedenfall noch mehr machen. mit videos wird es eher schwierig werden weil ich immer nur nachts für solche schlammfahrten unterwegs bin damit ich nicht von wanderern gestört werde. aber fotos kommen auf jeden fall noch 🙂

    thank you! yes i will make more. about videos it might get a bit complicated since i only go during nights for those mud rides to not get interrupted by wanderers. but i definitely will make more pictures

  • These pics & comments are so HOT & I agree with Thommo, these pics make me want to get a dirt bike!

    Definitely need to make some vids if you can manage it one day but I can understand how difficult it can be. I'd love to make a vid stuck in my van but for various reasons it's hard to get the opportunity, I wish I was as bold with a vehicle as Spintire or Sir Stuck-a-lot, but then I expose myself in other ways! lol

  • @Tony-B i really hope you can get a dirtbike someday! would love seing your muscled body struggling in a deep mud puddle and the backwheel spinning so helplessy.

    yeah during daytime its always trouble but i might be able to do a video at night using a led light and powerbank.

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