Very hot vid. As far as I'm concerned, you can post a longer vid like this. Did you also have a hard-on in your pants while driving? I had it the whole time I was watching this vid.
Shirtless pushing and jumping on deep stuck car
The vehicles were driven violently through the mud. I wonder if the guys were as horny as I am now. -
Huge mud makes the tires spin and smoke!
Gewaltiger Schlamm lässt die Reifen durchdrehen und qualmen!
There is no giving up. The mostly young drivers mercilessly drive the trucks through the mud and give it full throttle.
Aufgeben gibt es nicht. Die meist jungen Fahrer quälen die Trucks gnadenlos durch den Schlamm und geben dabei Vollgas.
@rauhbein1 - Remember this guy! SUPER SEXY him getting stuck driving up the hill! Made me HARD!
Das ist schon geil anzusehen, wie die Fahrzeuge mit Vollgas durch den Schlamm getrieben werden, dabei feststecken und die Hinterräder wild durchdrehen. Ich frage mich, ob die Typen dabei auch geil wurden, so wie wir!!!!It's really cool to see the vehicles being driven at full speed through the mud, getting stuck and the rear wheels spinning wildly. I wonder if the guys got as horny as we did!!!!
Луаз, квадрик stels 500gt, Нива и Волга Offroad. – 25:55
— Антон СунсинI like the moment from 1:26, when black-shirted men is constantly dealing with car getting stuck
@Hamburger11 wow! I LOVE THIS VID! Hot guys wear sandals and got stuck with old car. They did a lil bit crank too! Thx for sharing!