Very hot vid. As far as I'm concerned, you can post a longer vid like this. Did you also have a hard-on in your pants while driving? I had it the whole time I was watching this vid.
Wyatt Henry_ I Made My Tires Slick With Duck Tape
His channel invites us to "subscribe for original content". This is original enough, isn't it? If you can't get stuck any other way, cover the treads.
Duck Tape Over Tires on a Lawnmower – 11:00
— Wyatt Henryohh thats hot! think i should try this too sometime.
Car STuck and Muddy Boots – 11:17
— Stuck Boot ProductionsCar stuck and Le Chameau wellies – 10:45
— Stuck Boot ProductionsThis guy seems to enjoy mud with boots and stuff but seems to also enjoy driving his car into it. must be very boggy as his car is only half in the mud and gets stuck
This kid seems obsessed with getting stuck with his friend. I would have loved to do this when I was his age. He might be one of us one day!
https://youtu.be/qqyS1jnrHs4 -
@gabe Thanks for the post, Gabe!
I've never heard an accent quite like his. Australian, New Zealander? Does anyone recognize it more specifically? He has said that he needs a cameraman. The honor of serving in that capacity would almost be worth the trip to wherever. Also, for a guy who says he enjoys getting stuck, he's not having nearly as much fun as he could. Someone needs to coach him on shift and pedal technique to get it rockin'
429 Soup_OffRoad [4x4] With Voice Acting#1
We read with dismay that this venerable channel, among thousands of others, has just been "demonetized" . Why? Youtube has certainly embarked on a self-destructive path recently. Can't boards of directors of major corporations vet executive candidates more carefully for suicidal tendencies? All a competitor needs to do is improve its searching capabilities and Youtube could soon be toast.
Haven't I seen the first section of this video before? It looks familiar...
Here is the successor channel:
Hey Guys,
StartForDaddy has a playlist of stuck content from films and TV shows.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8d1kuy-GjA&list=PLlPpq17Pg-oWUxtuMrdhY9lRu4ANdhsSu -
A favorite of mine.
Another favorite
Yes they were and lived fairly close to me. I believe he has been busy taking care of his parents so not a lot of free time.
Fuck man, nice vid. Have seen it before but really like the way his truck just makes the most of the sticky mud and bogs in. Got me hard -
@easygoingguy Time for some playin', indeed! I'll have to make sure to have the action cam along to document whatever STICKY SITUATIONS I may CUM across... Heh, Heh, Heh...
@HardStuck that would be awesome!
Канал Не Тормози_ГДЕ ПРЕДЕЛ ГРУЗОВИКА!? Рубим на все бабки ГАЗ 66! Шишига, УАЗ, Нива, JEEP. Легенда 4х4 2020
translates (?) as: WHERE IS THE LOAD LIMIT !? We cut on all grandmas GAZ 66! Shishiga, UAZ, Niva, JEEP. Legend 4x4 2020
Stuckfest through thawing Russian wilderness with plenty of help from towlines and winches