Very hot vid. As far as I'm concerned, you can post a longer vid like this. Did you also have a hard-on in your pants while driving? I had it the whole time I was watching this vid.
@Hard-Drifter wer möchte da nicht mit im Auto sitzen und dem Fahrer seinen Schwanz bearbeiten und blasen?
Nice interior and exterior shots…
Trucks Got Stuck – A Whole Lot Of Tire Spin – 23:00
— The Burnout Broadcast -
@Redsman - Another sexy and hot stuck! Really liked how the guys got interactive with each other and like how the driver's kept looking at their spinning tires of their stuck truck! The guy stuck wearing his cowboy boots...got my attention a lot! Thx for posting!
@Hard-Drifter Ah, yes, a golden oldie! We must never lose track of it.
Ist zwar schon ein älteres Vid., aber immer noch sehr sehenswert und geil. Wie sich die Karre da abquält macht einen schon sehr geil. -
Parking paradise: cars and a lot of mud:)
WRC Rally Estonia 2022 Mud madness after powerstage – 08:32
— Aivo Jurken RallyTV -
If I had been there, I would have had a hard-on the whole time and would have been jerking off constantly. The cum would probably have squirted into the pants without jerking off.
@Hard-Drifter said in YouTube:
Suzuki Vitara hat sich festgefahren – 00:58
— andi471NICE! Hard Stuck + Hard Fight = HARD, THROBBING COCK!
Very sexy! Keep trying you can spin it out!
@Hard-Drifter das hier ist ja Mal so richtig geil...
Noch besser wäre nbtubenger dadehose. Aber so ist auch schon richtig auufregend
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