Very hot vid. As far as I'm concerned, you can post a longer vid like this. Did you also have a hard-on in your pants while driving? I had it the whole time I was watching this vid.
專業刨坑選手! 爆變的獵豹車越野挑戰,笑到肚子痛! #獵豹 #越野 – 33:23
— 王成佛半山木屋农场It's wonderful how they dig around in the mud. Particularly hot from min. 18;30
Herrlich, wie da im Schlamm gewühlt wird. Ab min. 18:30 besonders geil
This is pure off-road porn! Dirty spinning tires make us all horny, don't they?
Das hier ist Offroad-Porno pur! Die verdreckten durchdrehenden Reifen lassen doch uns alle geil werden, oder?
最強電動車特斯拉爬坡挑戰,電池過熱,輪胎還冒煙了,美女還說完事要洗澡! #越野#tesla#tram#特斯拉#off-road#car – 48:29
— 王成佛半山木屋农场Offroad mit TESLA!
Vorwärts fahren aber rückwärts rollen! -
Nice scenes throughout…
The Free Truck Left Us STRANDED In The Snow! – 35:00
— Fab Rats -
Nice scenes throughout…
The Free Truck Left Us STRANDED In The Snow! – 35:00
— Fab RatsNice find, Redsman! Love a good, honest STUCK that gives a good fight. Broke and STUCK... Been there; Done that! Time for a Beer and a Smoke!
A lot of rubber is burned here -
@bgweeks12454 The sound is great, unfortunately you can't see much of the spinning wheels. The passenger or cameraman was still missing
It's amazing to see how quickly these little vehicles get stuck in the mud and the rear wheels start to spin. The drivers fight their way through the dirt and everything with only rear wheel drive
รถดั้ม สายทำเงิน – 10:05
— อู่ปาริชาตเพลาลอย -
Spinnng in mud - my fav pastime
This dude doe what I love doing
EnjoyStuck at the pond – 01:38
— StuckChevy -