damn thats some real deep stuff. I'd have no chance making it through with my Duke125. (doesn't mean I wouldn't try though )
He was stuck, I know that feeling
Here is another spin up by the same guy
He really knows have to do IT!Finally found a mud hole – 01:48
— StuckChevy -
From at least 4:00 there is a wonderful close-up of the spinning twin tires in the mud. The driver lets the tires smoke -
Some good FWD spinning action. I wonder if they're one of us?
2020 Chevy trax stuck in mud – 01:01
— Small town life -
Here is a great clip of a Thai dude putting on a spin and smoke show for the rest of the lads
I wonder if he was stiff doing it?รถดั้มเบรินยางมันส์!!ขั้นเทพ – 02:55
— ตี๋เล็ก สายมันส์ -
Look at the guy filming with the cap and glasses, at min. 5:53 he grabs himself between the legs and must have a hard-on in his pants with all the spinning wheels in mud and dirt. Is he one of us
CARRETA TRANCOU A ESTRADA. Só os melhores passam. – 32:39
@rauhbein1 said in YouTube:
I also think the video is really hot, because he does it all on purpose. He probably had a hard-on in his pants, like I did when I saw the video. I have some more hot videos with Thai trucks in my playlist.
Wow. Ist das heiß! Der ist bestimmt geil, wenn er die Räder wild durchdrehen lässt. Und er fährt immer wieder mit voller Absicht rein. Das geilste: Er fährt barfuß. MEGA!!!
@barefoot-driver said in YouTube:
Wow. Ist das heiß! Der ist bestimmt geil, wenn er die Räder wild durchdrehen lässt. Und er fährt immer wieder mit voller Absicht rein. Das geilste: Er fährt barfuß. MEGA!!!
Find ich auch. Extrem anmachend
It makes me horny to watch the rear wheels of the 3-axle truck spin, occasionally hanging in the air and not moving forward. Who else feels the same way? Who else gets horny by watching it?
caminhão fica atolado depois de descarregar areia – 07:58
— Lucas tudo de bom -
Nice video of the pickup truck in the mud with spinning rear wheels.
หาวิธีเอารถขึ้นจากโคลน คนเดียว : เฮ็ดไปทั่ว ไปทีบ – 09:05
— ไปทั่ว ไปทีบ Paitour Paitip -
This muscle guy with his trucks and off-road vids turns me on every time. You too?
— Mitchel Matthews