Maybe the title “quickie” made the algorithm push that video to more people
"usual" sex beside stuck stuff
@gravey1of2 Good for you and your partner having worked out a nice agreement. How long have you been together?
In the bad old days, everyone just assumed that, while Lesbian pairings had good prospects, man-man relationships hardly ever endured. Men were just natural wanderers, and of course that goes double when two men try to stay together.
Then I heard an episode on the radio, I think "This American Life", describing a government-funded research experiment trying to predict the auspices of a relationship by observing couples in conversation for a few minutes, especially looking at their body language. This was during the homophobic Bush Jr. administration. Hence the researchers needed to word their grant application slyly to encompass their intent to include gay as well as straight couples without its being so obvious that they would be flagged for denial. The results astonished them: according to their measures, the communication level of a man-man couple was off the charts, surpassing that of almost any husband and wife. The host joked that they found, finally, a good reason to forbid same-sex marriage: heterosexual marriage could never survive the competition.
Now that same-sex relationships are open, official, and observable, it is becoming statistically clear that man-man marriages are at least as stable as man-woman, if not more so, but Lesbian marriages have trouble lasting. This is exactly the opposite of previous conventional wisdom, based on confirmation bias, when the restless seekers were the only individuals that one saw. Stable gay couples existed but were out of view-- and they deliberately kept themselves out of view, partly because they understood how toxic the bar scene was.
When I first realized that I was gay, I considered it a curse. Now I consider it a blessing, or at least a relief. The turning point was the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearing. Everything that has happened since in the culture only makes me more thankful. If you think being a gay man is difficult, try being a straight man.
@ahhorny said in "usual" sex beside stuck stuff:
I like imagining things, especially stuck situation, i imagine someone that i wish he could get stuck, and yeah its like a porn site.
Agreeing with many here. I'm pretty sure that the first boner in my life came from seeing a stuck car, and stucks have dominated my fantasies ever since. Almost soon as I see an attractive guy, I wish I could see him in the driver's seat of a stuck car. They say, ya know, the most important sex organ is the brain.
A big truck bogged down on a waterkigged site, rocking and revving, is like sex. The whirring prop SHAFT thrusting forwards and upwards, the diferential housing the balls, and the muddy rubber 'BOOTS' struggling for grip . . . jus do it some more . . .
@florian said in "usual" sex beside stuck stuff:
A couple times a guy unfamiliar with the stuck fetish has asked me to explain it. This is difficult, because it is largely sui generis. However, I have suggested that he might get into it if he likes one or more of these: humping (a stuck car rocking seems to be humping the ground), feet, or soft bondage. Does that sound right to you?
It could be there are different motivations that get labeled as "stuck fetish". I would agree with soft bondage and somewhat with feet. The big turn-on for me is loss of traction: being in a slippery situation that prevents escape. I get very turned on by feet slipping in mud, but the best is rear wheels turning uselessly in full contact with a slippery substance. Thus, slimy mud is a much more attractive medium than sand, and a vehicle blocked by a solid object does nothing for me.
When can I come Join in on that sound like fucking good fun
@marcello99290 well described. Same here
It’s a porn site for me too’
I don’t think I’ve had an orgasm without thinking about being stuck in the mud with my partner. Male or female!
I’m NOT AT ALL into anal stuck or not and I’m glad to see I’m not the only one! I very much like seeing bulge tents especially if the guy’s in a car or truck. I can’t help fantasying that he’s stuck and had to undo his pants to get a little relieve, his big hard cock sticking up in his underwear! Really gets me hard and I love to get stuck and do it myself!
I agree with you! I feel the same! -
You are not the only one! I may be “bi” but in have no interest in anal sex male or female top or bottom. -
@ChrisStuck ..Same here !!!