It's just wonderful to watch. Something is stirring in your pants!
Spinning wheels
That was a real dick hardener, THANKS!
Hey how the fuck do I post pix from my phone to the site??!!!
Torment tires!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvnokBPuzr4New video. posted by the same user. Again very cool! Can a dick stay dry??????
Neues Vid. vom gleichen User gepostet. Auch wieder sehr geil! Kann da noch ein Schwanz trocken bleiben??????
Geil. Bei den Vids war die Wixxe voll am spritzen. Zweimal den Steifen gewixxt. War echt der Hammer
Ja, ging mir genauso. Echt geile Vids. hat er! -
@Hard-Drifter very hot! Listen to those tires spin! Woof!!!
Geile Vids. Die Typen zwiebeln die Karren ordentlich durch den Dreck. Toller Sound! -
Love this video of a big diesel truck spinning the tires in the snow
https://www.instagram.com/tv/CXr6gfKJBVR/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= -
The guys in the cats sure were having fun! I wonder if any of them were getting on by all that wheel spinning?
That is slick!