@Kevin Thanks for your kind words. Yes specially during rainy season, there are many places, like grassy areas.
StuckGuys is becoming read-only in March 2025 due to UK Online Safety Act. Join us over on reddit \r\stuckguys
Hello! I just joined the forum! I found the link on Stuck World some time ago and today I decided to access. I’m glad there is a place for people who share this interest!
Hey @DrMoneystacks Hope you enjoy it here. We have been growing quite quickly past few weeks. Its nice to have a community to ourselves.
Stuckworld is great but I personally never felt comfortable there as someone who isnt into female stuck scenes. Hence why I created this forum. though everyone is welcome here
I feel the same way about Stuck World, it's great but I fin it too 'female centered'.
Thank you for setting up this forum Adam!