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Another newbie

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  • Hi, just found this forum after seeing Spintire4x4's link on Youtube.

    My profile gives a bit of my background into my stuck/spinning fetish etc. but basically Iโ€™ve had the fetish for as long as I can remember. I did it a lot from 1998 to 2000 with my old RWD Transit van I owned during that time & videoed a lot of my antics inside & outside the van for me to wank over afterwards but sadly the tapes were all thrown out years ago, there was some good stuff on there BUT there is 1 old pic I salvaged of me flexing in the back of my van on my "naughty site". (I won't link to porn sites here as I don't think that's allowed but search lilbodybuildermk2!)

    Got into watching youtube vids of stuck vehicles years ago & wanking off to them. Strangely cars don't do it for me, anything larger yes & I like dirt bikes digging in mud too. My current van is front wheel drive & that's a bit of a no no for me too, but I like revving & pedal pumping in it. It's a bit too tidy to take mudding & besides my old stomping ground in the forest is low gated & locked ๐Ÿ˜  but there are other places here in Mid-Wales I can go to if I decide to get back into it in the future.

    As mentioned in my profile, I'm married to a guy who obviously isn't into the fetish but we've chatted a bit about it & he's not bothered either way, he just just rolls his eyes & itโ€™s just one of my many weird sexual fetishes he puts up with!

    Not entirely unrelated, I also have a muscle fetish & I work out. Stuck trucks & muscle guys are a perfect combo๐Ÿ’ช

    Anyway, going to browse the site a bit & hopefully get to find out more about what you guys get up to as it's great to find likeminded guys, after all, we're such a rare bunch!

  • Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy it here ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Bienvenue & welcome aboard. Plenty of my own stuck stomping grounds in the U.S. are shut down off limits. Stuck trucks and SUVs with big muscle guys at the wheel and working the throttle are best.

  • @stuckadam. Thanks for the welcome. After a couple of days browsing, I can really appreciate the effort you've put into setting up & running this forum which looks nice & simple to use, Thanks again.

  • Realy happy to see you here ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope one day you will make us a video of you spinning your tyres.

  • welcome on board Tony

    nice to see another guy who also likes stuck dirtbikes and muscled guys. i bet it would look hot seing you struggling on a nice ktm stuck in deep mud ๐Ÿ˜‰

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