@Kevin Thanks for your kind words. Yes specially during rainy season, there are many places, like grassy areas.
Car cranking / hard starting
Never had a situation where I couldn't get a vehicle started or ran the battery dead. Yeah. I would get pretty frustrated and cuss a blue streak at that point! My scenario is more of one where I play too much and get myself totally bogged the fuck down. I usually just light up a smoke and drink a beer (if I have 'em) and get over frustration of the situation.
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Hi, my original fetish is pedal pump when the car won't start, to this fetish I know all other kinkys and sexuality.
I love to immage a hot guy (specially if he's very skinny and weak) try to start his car in flip flops/ adilette or barefeet. I love immage his frustration , embarrassment and impotence. Maybe after having discharged the battery he try to push the car but his body is too small and weak to do. -
I also like cranking beside stuck. I think since generally the pedal pumping community is so scarce, especially thinking about male PP, we should make an opportunity for the cranking fans to have their small place on the forum too. Similarly as we did with the 18+ content, clearly marked, and if someone is not into it, he can just skip those topics. Don't see why we should be against it, even if it's not the main topic of the forum.
It works both for me, can't say that one takes precedence over the other, it simply depends on the situation. However, I really prefer the more extrem setups in both cases: stuck cars turn me on most when the car is really sunk to the axles in deep sticky mud, with the driver still believing he can get out without being towed if he only tried long enough. So spinning wheels on wet lawn will not do it for me, I guess lol.
With cranking, it's somewhat similar since I do not prefer fast cranking starters/engines, but those old rotten cars where the battery is almost completely drained / dead already, so the starter would already be unable to turn the engine over upon first attempt. The driver would realize that for sure and as a consequence, he would wait almost forever before trying again, thereby giving the battery a chance to recover a bit (which it would not, of course). So he would not be able to do anything than sit and wait (which would be REALLY hot to me). And then, when turning the key shorly over: still nothing..... :-).
@huskyhunk31 love it, definitely feel the same!