Stuck in the mud in formal dress shoes -
Stuck in the mud in formal dress shoes@gerradkyle considered it but the problem is finding somewhere for it, weather right now isn't exactly cooperative
Sexual Orientation@Blackadder261 On this note, definitely found that I lean more femme in my preferences (femme guys or women) as a general rule, though there can be exceptions beyond that. Hard to say what or when, it's a "you'll know it when it happens" kinda thing
Game: What is your taste ?@Xavier-B B and D for sure, that or something a bit bigger and/or heavier. Or sportier too, like an MR2
Share your pedal view@gerradkyle my Polo's out for now as it's had some problems come up on MOT but I have both available
First time with muddy fields@stuckfanjay Not much comment on it at all to be honest, which suits me just fine ^_^ I'm just comfy being accepted as who I am.
First time with muddy fields@stuckfanjay Ended up not going out after it in honesty, didn't feel like it
My car goes for an MOT next Friday so I'm holding off until after that.
First time with muddy fields -
First time with muddy fields@stuckfanjay Not a bad plan tbh. I'm meant to be going out for a work colleague's leaving do on Friday so might dress up nice and go out for an adventure after that.
First time with muddy fields@stuckfanjay That's a possibility to be fair, though I do still think it's just the act of going out and trying to get stuck that's causing the bulk of the anxiety. Will give that a go sometime later in the month though, got some tight riding pants and heeled boots to try with.
First time with muddy fields@stuckfanjay Yeah, I suppose so. Generally speaking I'm comfortable dressing femme, just that dressing up in a specific outfit and going out with this intent for some reason causes the nerves. (That said, I don't tend to dress femme at work but that's for other reasons)
I've scouted a few locations on google maps but yeah, some on-the-ground verifying may be of use.
First time with muddy fields@stuckfanjay Perhaps, yeah. Problem is finding somewhere for that though I can probably manage. I just prefer to be a ways out of sight so I'm less likely to be seen... which has the flipside effect of guaranteeing questions may be raised if I were discovered.
First time with muddy fields@stuckfanjay You're more than likely right, but I do have those kinds of issues with anxiety. (Currently seeking out therapy for that anyway as I think I know what causes it.)
That and I just can never be 100% sure how someone might react
hence trying not to get myself into a situation I can't get myself out of ideally.
First time with muddy fields@stuckfanjay From a distance I probably do; problem is my voice isn't exactly the most femme and up close I'm probably a lot less well-presenting
First time with muddy fields@sirstuck It would be if I had any realistic means of getting unstuck afterwards. Which I sadly lack
First time with muddy fieldsOn second thought, perhaps I won't be trying again later this month
The fields are already wet, waterlogged in some cases and extremely muddy; there's another five inches of rain forecast in the meantime. I can be a bit stupid sometimes but even I wouldn't push my luck here, what with how soft the ground already was
First time with muddy fields@scotsman Nothing too fancy, a white blouse and blue skirt suit with some 4" stiletto heels that had over-the-foot buckles, ideal to keep them on my feet when having to try and move around the car through all the mud.
First time with muddy fieldsSo, at long last, and having managed to avoid the same panic attacks I had last year- possibly because I now have full control over my car again instead of worrying about damaging it because of my mum needing it (she got a new car a week or two ago)- I finally committed to trying some of the farm tracks and fields in my area.
Annoyingly, here in the north it's been fairly wet for a while, so the idea of driving straight on into the field/s was out. As much as getting really stuck would be fun, on the practical front I'd prefer to not have to walk and find a farmer to come get me out. (This is kinda important because I had dressed myself up in full secretary outfit, what with being early in gender transition and wanting to go with a fairly fun outfit.)
The track that I came to wasn't too rough I don't think, though I did end up leaving sooner than planned as I had passed a tractor doing some hedge cutting shortly beforehand, and wasn't sure if it would come up the track I was on. I could use some advice on that; provided a track isn't too rutted that I have no ground clearance, should a stony and muddy track be cause for concern in something like an older VW Polo?
Anyway, I got up to the field entrance in question. All the way up the track, in spite of not putting in much more power as I went, I could hear the revs occasionally climb up and settle back down. I reached the field entrance, and while I had planned to drive straight on in and see what happened, that was not going to work: the field was extremely rough and full of deep puddles, a tractor would probably be the only thing that could safely get over that. Not to mention, the field was in clear view of some houses a few hundred yards away. I could've possibly pushed on further down the track but didn't want to push it too far, that and the aforementioned tractor's presence.
I can't get the photos to upload onto here because of the size, but even my short little efforts to get turned around threw up a fair amount of mud onto the car, and got my heels fairly caked in mud with how soft the ground was. Probably for the best that I didn't try driving straight into any field entrances or else I'd have gotten way more than I planned for.
Debating of trying again somewhere later in the month, though I have assignments and college stuff to worry about.
Game: What is your taste ?@Jonnyxx B definitely.
Get stuck travestite.@Hipbootsdriver I get that entirely, don't worry... only problem is I don't know anyone who's either into this or would be understanding, and who has some means of getting me unstuck who lives nearish.
Nearest I'm aware of is Westfil and he's at least 5h away, unless there's other peeps up this end of the country that I'm not aware of who've got the ability to tow a bogged car out and not join it ðŸ¤