More of the above:
— ឡានបែន-รถบรรทุกบก

Sir Stuck-a-Lot
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YouTubeSome nice dump trucks stuck in slippery conditions. The best one starts at 5:37.
After the rain caused the road to be very slippery @truck168 – [05:37..11:02] 11:02
— ឡានបែន-รถบรรทุกบก -
Stuck sounds and talksThie sound of old-school snow tires (with the big lugs) spinning on ice gives me a boner. Sort of a warbling sound as the tread uses a variable pitch to make them less noisy on dry roads.
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YouTube@rauhbein1 No diff locks?
Weak inexperienced drivers stuck - exciting or not?@Florian The Weather Channel often has shows like that.
YouTube@Redsman just bash those plants into submission
Weak inexperienced drivers stuck - exciting or not?@westfil11 I moved, the yard is no longer available.
Weak inexperienced drivers stuck - exciting or not?@westfil11
Not for a while. I need to find a muddy spot to play in. -
Weak inexperienced drivers stuck - exciting or not?Normally I would put this in the YouTube topic but these guys are so inept it belongs here. Putting a tow strap on a ball hitch, for example.
YouTubeOldie but goodie.
BIG FAIL Lifted truck ford f250 stuck in snow – 02:40
— DestoveI -
YouTubeHere is the entire WINTER AT TRANSAMAZÔNICA series!
YouTubeMultiple attempts to go uphill in greasy mud. Starts at 14:56. (The cover shot is from 8:50 which isn't as exciting).
YouTubeMore Amazon mud. This is an extended bit of RWD spinning starting at 6:50 (the link should start there).
TRÊS QUADRICICLOS NO RESGATE – [06:50..25:46] 25:46
Weak inexperienced drivers stuck - exciting or not?SlippingSliding said:
... an inexperienced driver in his 20s getting stuck with his regular, city car in some everyday situations?
That's my preference, especially in a RWD vehicle. A young guy in a BMW or Mustang with worn summer tires, for example.
YouTuberauhbein1 said:
Es ist mir völlig unverständlich warum die Typen mit diesen Fahrzeugen in so einem Gelände unterwegs sind. Sind die alle besoffen? Na ja, Russen!It is completely incomprehensible to me why the guys are driving these vehicles in such a terrain. Are they all drunk? Well, Russians!
It is good for us that they do!
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