@so-very-stuck8 In that type of situation, by the time you feel the tires spin, a few seconds later you might be truly stuck. Once you stop moving and you keep spinning the tires you just sink. Thinking I can do this, but knowing the tires are sinking deeper. You boot pushing even more desparately on the gas pedal, pleading with the suv. No, don't leave me stuck, why did i drive here, secretly knowing exactly why you drove out here just not want to admit the source of how turned on you are. Why does it feel so erotic to push on the gas and have the tires spin, to feel so vulnerable
Start for daddy videos
@Elione101 hey do you still have the vids you said you would send?
@Shoesandsocks I do but all the videos are in my computer witch is broken at the moment gave too Apple a few days ago hopefully it will be fixed fast I have 2 cranking videos of my own I can give you unfortunately I don’t have anywhere too get my car stuck my whole yard is mostly concrete
Hey guys found a clip from a TV show from way back titled the Rockford files this shows a actor stuck in sand after being chased town by a semi truck. Sorry for bad quality had too record from another phone thankfully this phone takes amazing photos and videos
there was one vid of his i want. i think it was a scene where a young couple got chased by someone on horseback and the couple got away but the boy drove the vehicle into a bog and started romping on the pedals. he labeled it ST-001 i think
So. One of the first videos in Start for Daddy stuck category was these 2 guys were taking a shortcut through the swamp in their Ford Bronco. Pedal action, spinning back tires. They. Get. Stuck. Driver says he'll get them put. But along comes a speeding prehistoric shark.
Since the YouTube channel is down, look for this at the beginning of the film Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre. YouTube might have that opening scene. -
@SD78QSK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dapCRVzsjTw is this the scene you're talking about?
Make sure the 4 wheel drive is working. Don't disturb the sharks. -
i just wish i knew the first vid he had about the horse chase thing. idek the title of the movie