@Gravey1of2 Oh my, you were definitely working hard to get unstuck
Start for daddy videos
@Shoesandsocks I'd love to see what you have, too, if you can upload them to a confidential sharing site somewhere.
Oh, to think of the missed opportunities-- films that could logically and easily have had a nice little stuck scene but went with something boring like running out of gas or almost hitting a tree...
@Elione101 hey do you still have the vids you said you would send?
@Shoesandsocks I do but all the videos are in my computer witch is broken at the moment gave too Apple a few days ago hopefully it will be fixed fast I have 2 cranking videos of my own I can give you unfortunately I don’t have anywhere too get my car stuck my whole yard is mostly concrete
Hey guys found a clip from a TV show from way back titled the Rockford files this shows a actor stuck in sand after being chased town by a semi truck. Sorry for bad quality had too record from another phone thankfully this phone takes amazing photos and videos
there was one vid of his i want. i think it was a scene where a young couple got chased by someone on horseback and the couple got away but the boy drove the vehicle into a bog and started romping on the pedals. he labeled it ST-001 i think
So. One of the first videos in Start for Daddy stuck category was these 2 guys were taking a shortcut through the swamp in their Ford Bronco. Pedal action, spinning back tires. They. Get. Stuck. Driver says he'll get them put. But along comes a speeding prehistoric shark.
Since the YouTube channel is down, look for this at the beginning of the film Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre. YouTube might have that opening scene. -
@SD78QSK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dapCRVzsjTw is this the scene you're talking about?