Very hot vid. As far as I'm concerned, you can post a longer vid like this. Did you also have a hard-on in your pants while driving? I had it the whole time I was watching this vid.
Nice dump truck stuck.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0P9SIUEFc0 -
@HardStuck mmmmm HOT stuck session
Here is the latest entry in this young Russian's channel. Some of the others are even better. I wish I knew what he was saying. Does anyone here speak Russian and can translate? Notice that intriguing gesture at 0:33. He knows he's going to get stuck (yet again) and seems to be inviting us to hop in next to him and share the fun.
Оффроад на Уаз Патриот – 04:05
— Игорь Авто -
Young guys getting stuck in an M5! Muddy mess starts around 4:00
BMW M5 НА БЕЗДОРОЖЬЕ! ТУРБО НИВА ЗА 2.4 МИЛЛИОНА. Деньги есть - ума не надо! – 11:56
Why did it take me so long to discover this channel? There are some extended stucks here. Sometimes a UAZ or truck gets stuck, a tractor comes to pull it out and gets stuck too.
УАЗ застрял полный Багаж Капустой | Трактор Т-16 – 06:54
Nice dump truck stuck starting at 3:30 (the link starts there):
Incredible Big Truck Dump Stuck Deep In Mud WOW...! – [03:30..09:23] 09:23
— គ្រឿងចក្រ Power Machines -
I would love to drive around in this:
This young guy is nice and stuck!
Almost Melting Down My Cummins Diesel Truck Stuck in SNOW – 32:01
— UpNorthOutdoors -
A choice video from a playlist by Darrell Cook on a site called "pinterest". Most of his selections are from Youtube, but they include examples in languages that I don't even recognize, so it's worth a look. https://www.pinterest.com/cookdarrell097/stuck-in-mud/
Which led me to this channel, which has several huge playlists, some recently updated. We could spend all day here: https://www.youtube.com/user/rauhbein1/playlists?view=1&sort=dd&shelf_id=0
รถติดสวนปาล์ม – 04:38
— ลูกอ๊อด คูขวาง -
A little dark, but worth it!
Stuck on soft grass – 02:40
— Serge Whoever -
Father and son take turns urging a large truck through deep Siberian snow with lotsa spinning and rocking, sometimes stuck.
Yuri Rogotsky_Gaz-63 a trip to the forest for exploration (54'54")