Living in LA isn’t so bad your not too far from some of the best mud the world! Take a gay buddy or girl out for a picnic
hi guys
I have decided to join this group (I hope that is ok) as you guys know i used to produce videos on my clips4sale sites and i am thinking or re starting the sites however i do enjoy a little bit of getting stuck myself! I enjoy seeing women getting stuck and i have had some good experiences when i have been behind the wheel however no one is creating clips for stuck guys! i just wondered if we decided to produce a guy stuck clip would people be interested how would it need to look? car situation dress? whats your thought guys??
I would certainly be interested. but everyone has their own ideas on what is a good stuck clip for me it has to be a fairly generic car with a young guy driving. Not interested in trucks/jeeps but I know most guys prefer trucks over cars. Would love to see how this goes either way
hello @davenewone and welcome! this sounds interesting! do you have contact to really muscular guys for this? my dream scenario would be seing two buff guys only wearing boxers. one of them stuck in mud on a dirt bike and trying to free it by revving a lot but the backwheel is stuck so badly it's only spinning. then the other guy comes and tries to give him a push. they struggle so much and you'd see they start sweating a lot and ocasionally you see a hard boner poking at the front of their boxers.
i'm sure this will be tricky to do especially to find the right guys who would like to do that but this would be fantastic to see heh
@davenewone hi and welcome to the group. I really like your idea of making videos with guys!
I’m excited! No one has ever done that before I believe.
I myself am not into the pedal action / footwear thing but I like to watch how it happened and it needs to happen in a good spot. And of course RWD is very important for me
I am pretty generic when it comes to guys getting stuck. But I do have a preference.
My preference that truly makes be Hard and blow a load is a cute black guy wearing shorts, white ankle socks (not the no-show socks) and black air jordan concords (either this https://images.app.goo.gl/dYyj7VckpmzVwEx39 or preferably this https://images.app.goo.gl/dYyj7VckpmzVwEx39 or the black and red ones of these) pedal pumping and having the wheels spin. My ideal video would have the pedal shot of the guy pumping, the wheel spinning, and the guy's face in despair in the same shot.
That is just me though.
@stuckadam said in hi guys:
a fairly generic car with a young guy driving. Not interested in trucks/jeeps but I know most guys prefer trucks over cars.
Same here-- but a jeep or pickup truck is fine, too, especially if that is what it takes to get a rear-wheel-drive vehicle nowadays. I also prefer manual transmission. How about a little story line where the young guy has no experience with manual transmission (and perhaps not much experience driving at all) but gets a chance to try one out off-road, and soon gets stuck before he is at all familiar with it? No despair necessary, I prefer to see a driver enjoying what happens, at least after the first minute or two.
It should be possible to place a camera on the floor at such an angle that everything is visible-- pedals, shift, and most of the driver's body. I've seen it a couple times and it can be hot, but it's too rare. Of course, various outside shots are in order, too.
@davenewone id love to see dudes in cars stuck deep revving sessions etc.my favorites are retro vintage 1950s-1980s rear wheel drive hotrodder types all makes especially duel exhaust systems and throaty pipes blasting
I also agree that rear-wheel drive car is a plus. A good pedal view would be a must as well (maybe even barefoot so he doesn’t ruin his shoes in the mud!) I like newer cars that give a false sense of security. If he gets frustrated and floors the pedal, all the better!