StuckGuys is a forum for people with a stuck/spinning fetish. This involves usually guys spinning or getting their vehicle stuck in mud/snow/sand or anything else. Everyone is welcome here. If your interested in stuck females check out StuckWorld
Stuckguys is currently closed for new users. Existing users can still login and use the forum
StuckGuys is becoming read-only in March 2025 due to UK Online Safety Act. Join us over on reddit \r\stuckguys
@thommo Good Work, Bud! Looks like you had an opportunity to get HARD STUCK, too... C'mon, Bud... You Can Do IT!!! Get all four spinnin' and show us your stuff!
@sirstuck - You are a master Sir Stuck at your craft! I've always enjoyed and appreciated you and your massive STUCKS! You wear and drive in cowboy boots...which is a plus! Thank you!