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Stuck Chronicle (Part 37 - Minefield Mire)

Stuck stories
  • They charged straight into the swamp, but the soft muck slowed Joel’s truck down more and more. It was thick, and quickly filled out his tire’s treads. Joel found himself putting the pedal to the floor just to keeping moving.

    “Wow!” he exclaimed. “This gunk is something ELSE!”

    “Yeah!”, Ian said over the roar of Joel’s motor.

    “Even Mick got stuck the first few times he came here.”

    “Really?!” Lyle yelled. He then turned to Joel.

    “Let’s not go TOO far in, okay?”

    “D’awwwww!” Joel said as he struggled to keep his truck moving. “Don’t tell me you guys are scared of a lil mud!” He reached over and rubbed Lyle’s leg.

    “Don’t worry”, he continued, “I’ve got a winch just in case we run into trouble!”

    Lyle was still a bit concerned, but went along with it for the time being. Joel smiled, then proceeded to slosh through the thick mud in 4WD. It was slow going, but even, when of a sudden Joel’s front tires hit a ditch.

    “Damn!” Joel yelled.

    “Punch it!” Ian hollered.

    Joel tried to reverse out of the hole, but his caked tires couldn’t get any grip. It took almost a minute for him to break free. He went around the ruts his truck made, when his rear tires hit ANOTHER hole! Joel stomped on the pedal, slowly sinking the back of his Ram, and the ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz his tires made echoed through the area.

    “Nice driving”, Lyle said through his laughs. Joel scowled at Lyle, but it quickly became a grin.

    “What is WITH this place?” Joel asked Ian as he hit the gas. This time, it took over two minutes to escape the ditch.

    “So THAT’S why Mick called this place Minefield Mire!” Ian remarked. “This swamp is full of hidden ditches!”

    “I see!” Joel exclaimed. “In that case…”

    Joel backed up to the entrance of the mire, and let Ian out. He ordered him to record him as he and Lyle headed back into the swamp. Ian complied, holding his phone in one hand, and slowly stroking himself through his pants with the other as the Ram gave a few revs and charged back into the muck.

    Joel tried his best to tackle the swamp, but it started to grab at his tires each time he drove through a hole. As he slowed down more and more, he knew it was a matter of time before the mud claimed his truck. He was so rock hard that it hurt, but he needed both hands to keep control of his Ram.

    “Hey, Lyle!” Joel shouted over his motor. “Mind givin’ me a hand here?!”

    Lyle looked down at Joel’s crotch; his manhood was twitching through his black jeans, and he could almost see the precum that’d begun to leak through. He knew that he needed release badly.

    “Sure thing, big guy!” he shouted back. He began to rub Joel through his pants, smiling as his boyfriend groaned and growled through his teeth. As his truck got trapped in another ditch, Joel gunned his engine. The roar of the motor got to Lyle too, but he focused on getting Joel to cum. He unzipped Joel’s jeans, and began stroking him through his boxers. At this point, Joel couldn’t contain his moans. It took everything he had to focus on freeing his truck from the ditch. Lyle caught his boner on the edge of his seat, and began to hump it as he massaged Joel.

    Back at the entrance, Ian was recording with his own member in hand. He watched as Joel’s Ram began to get bogged down trying to escape its hole. As Joel floored the gas pedal, his four tires making the loudest squeal yet, Ian staggered back against a nearby tree and shot a long stream across the muddy ground in front of him. He gasped for air, before regaining his composure.

    In the middle of his climax, Ian dropped his phone on the ground. As his sneakers squelched through the shallow mud, he made his way to where he dropped it.

    As he crouched down to get the phone, a large pair of black logger boots appeared before him. Ian eyed the booted feet, slowly making his way up to the man’s face—a look of surprise crossed it.

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