@Gravey1of2 Oh my, you were definitely working hard to get unstuck
First time with muddy fields
@stuckfanjay From a distance I probably do; problem is my voice isn't exactly the most femme and up close I'm probably a lot less well-presenting
I think you'd be just fine.
Specially in this day and age.. people are much more accepting.
I'd love to stumble across you helplessly stuck. -
I will pull you both out
@stuckfanjay You're more than likely right, but I do have those kinds of issues with anxiety. (Currently seeking out therapy for that anyway as I think I know what causes it.)
That and I just can never be 100% sure how someone might react
hence trying not to get myself into a situation I can't get myself out of ideally.
I completely understand the anxiety. And its easier said than done, but just doing it helps ease that too. Once that stuck cherry is popped and you see it's no big deal, you'll naturally get more daring.
But maybe until you get more bold, a simple "pulling over to check my GPS" type of stuck is best.... something you can easily rock yourself out of in a few mins as apposed to a pulling into a soft wet gateway and both your drive wheels are in it then... much harder to get out of -
@stuckfanjay Perhaps, yeah. Problem is finding somewhere for that though I can probably manage. I just prefer to be a ways out of sight so I'm less likely to be seen... which has the flipside effect of guaranteeing questions may be raised if I were discovered.
Danger wanking
Just a simple " I made a wrong turn and pulled in here to find my bearings" would suffice perfectly.
Maybe an evening drive out nto the country is in order... would serve two purposes... 1 locate some possible locations to revisit, and 2 help build your confidence with being out and about while dressed. ( which you're gonna have to get used to pretty quickly given the info you've shared with us) -
@stuckfanjay Yeah, I suppose so. Generally speaking I'm comfortable dressing femme, just that dressing up in a specific outfit and going out with this intent for some reason causes the nerves. (That said, I don't tend to dress femme at work but that's for other reasons)
I've scouted a few locations on google maps but yeah, some on-the-ground verifying may be of use.
If a "certain outfit" is a bit outta your comfort zone, start out dressed down.
Perhaps jeans, a nice sweater, and heeled boots, then work your way into maybe a longer casual skirt, sweater and mid height heels and then when you're more comfortable with it go all out for the office attire or formal attire.
Play the "lost real estate agent" or the "real estate agent on assignment" -
@stuckfanjay That's a possibility to be fair, though I do still think it's just the act of going out and trying to get stuck that's causing the bulk of the anxiety. Will give that a go sometime later in the month though, got some tight riding pants and heeled boots to try with.
You're also thinking in the frame of mind "getting stuck on purpose ", although yes that's exactly what you're doing, the only person in the world that is aware of that is.... YOU! To a passersby, you're simple a girl that has messed up and gotten herself stuck.... and that's it! That simple!
@stuckfanjay Not a bad plan tbh. I'm meant to be going out for a work colleague's leaving do on Friday so might dress up nice and go out for an adventure after that.
There ya go... one tiny moment of inattention and zzzzzzzz oops
@westfil11 said in First time with muddy fields:
Your truck gets very stuck in your yard
I had to work at it. The situation here would be much more profound.
@Blackadder261 said in First time with muddy fields:
@stuckfanjay Yeah, I suppose so. Generally speaking I'm comfortable dressing femme, just that dressing up in a specific outfit and going out with this intent for some reason causes the nerves. (That said, I don't tend to dress femme at work but that's for other reasons)
I've scouted a few locations on google maps but yeah, some on-the-ground verifying may be of use.
Same here. Love also dressing fem., but only for stuck-games
@stuckfanjay said in First time with muddy fields:
You're also thinking in the frame of mind "getting stuck on purpose ", although yes that's exactly what you're doing, the only person in the world that is aware of that is.... YOU! To a passersby, you're simple a girl that has messed up and gotten herself stuck.... and that's it! That simple!
PS, love the tight riding pants in heeled dressy boots look
Exactly thats IT -
@stuckboy said in First time with muddy fields:
@stuckfanjay said in First time with muddy fields:
You're also thinking in the frame of mind "getting stuck on purpose ", although yes that's exactly what you're doing, the only person in the world that is aware of that is.... YOU! To a passersby, you're simple a girl that has messed up and gotten herself stuck.... and that's it! That simple!
PS, love the tight riding pants in heeled dressy boots look
Exactly thats ITBut Love more tight Blues miniskirt, tight White Blouse and nylonslip
@Blackadder261 I'm so happy than u've achieved some small goals. About anxiety it's the same for me, I prefer to see someone stuck but if this happens I feel a little nervous.
I think than u look very cool stuck with your outfit!️