This is my first attempt at writing a story about this. its entirely fictional. no characters in this are real. just a bit of fun.
Feel free to give constructive criticism. and do have a go at your own stories.
This story is going to be quite basic to start off. only one character. (gotta pace myself) a character named Luke because it's a cute name
he is an 18 y/o guy who hasn't long had a licence to drive. His not got a great car as a result his parents was able to muster enough money for an old Vauxhall Corsa but it was his favourite colour red so he loved it.
To set the scene Luke lived in a rural part of the UK. a country known for its wet weather but as we will find out that's not something that crossed Luke's mind when he was speeding through the country lanes one fateful day.
He had been invited to a big party one of his friends was hosting while his parents was out of town. Luke didn't live too far away and opted for a short cut through said country lanes. enough room for one car but very few spots to safely let cars pass you either reverse until the next safe spot or drive onto the grass verge. it wasn't long down the lane before Luke met another car. he had been down this road many times so without thinking drove straight onto the verge to let the other car go by. He had done this so many times but it had rained a lot the week prior. the other driver flashed his lights to thank Luke and drove past. then Luke tried to drive off... only to bet met by a faint hissing noise under his car as the engine groaned.
"What the hell is wrong" Luke shouted. He had never been stuck before. he tried to reverse instead but got the same zzzzzz noise from his tires. only this time mud splattered up the side of his car... his heart dropped as he realised what was wrong. he put his window down and looked out, his car had sunk quite a bit in the soft muddy verge. "Fuck, Why did I drive into this" he exclaimed as he switched gears back to forward to try again. but every time his foot hit the pedal the car just sank more and more. eventually from a few minutes of going back and forth his car was up to the rims in mud.
Luke decided to get out to examine the situation he had created. it didn't look good. the whole drivers side of his car had brown mud caked up it from the spinning. Luke was actually enjoying this surprisingly. it wasn't fun to get delayed but the feeling he got from pushing the pedals and making a right mess of his car struggling to get out was arousing to him. it was something new for him.
Luckily for Luke a local farmer was driving past in a land rover and stopped to see what was wrong. the farmer noticed right away what was wrong "Wow. you have a lot to learn about the countryside young boy" he said somewhat sarcastically. Luke kinda sniggered at his "yeah I didn't think I would get stuck. I have driven on the verge down here a lot but didn't think about the rain recently" the farmer towed Luke out of the muddy mess. Luke thanked the farmer and they went their separate ways.
"Wow that was an experience" Luke said out loud as he continued driving to the party. He looked down at his trousers which had a very obvious bulge
. needless to say this wont be the last time doing this for him. Who knew getting stuck would have that effect on him. He just hoped his friends wouldn't make fun of him for the mess of his now part-brown Corsa.
So that's my first attempt at a story. prob took me about 30 mins in total all of that. Just throw Spotify on and tap away at the keyboard. so might be some errors. and my english is crap so prob full of grammar and general syntax issues but what ever. Hopefully someone gets something out of my attempt. Would you guys like to hear more?