damn thats some real deep stuff. I'd have no chance making it through with my Duke125. (doesn't mean I wouldn't try though )
"Singende" und qualmende Reifen und ein blöder, lachender Kameramann, der die Szene stört!
"Singing" and smoking tires and a stupid, laughing cameraman who disrupts the scene!
Camaro with no traction stuck in the snow
6.2l V8 Camaro bangin limiter downtown STUCK in snow loud exhaust Disturbing the peace ls chevy rwd – 02:11
— NaptownTuner -
Думал фигня ямка , а оказалось то и нет 💪 – 09:23
— NivavotHarte Arbeit für Maschine und Mensch. Scheint ihm Spaß zu machen!
Hard work for machines and people. He seems to be having fun!
Russian rednecks and RWD!
деревенские покатушки. Off-road на кресте – 22:25
— Freak's -
Here's a related video. Only a short stuck near the beginning but it shows what these guys are into.
Жарим кресту. Первый снег – [01:42..20:15] 20:15
— Freak's -
FORD RANGER ติดหล่มอีกแล้ว – 10:14
— Gun gulf ลูกชาวสวนbyขนอม2 Thai guys in rubber boots spin the wheels. Very cool for me, for you too?
2 Thai-Guy in Gummistiefel lassen die Räder durchdrehen. Für mich sehr geil, für euch auch?
Another RWD truck stuck in the mud.
รถกะบะเสี่ยอั๋นติดหล่ม!!ระดมคนเข็นเป็นสิบ – 06:00
— ตี๋เล็ก สายมันส์ -
Трактор Т-40 беспомощен на болоте, а Т-25 в работе – 06:09
— Teknoloji GucuAre there also farmers here who think tractor off-road is so cool or who do it themselves with their tractor? I also think it's really cool how he lets the big wheels spin in the mud.
Sind hier auch Farmer, die Traktor-Offroad auch so geil finden oder es auch mal selber mit ihrem Traktor machen? Finde das auch sehr geil, wie der hier im Schlamm die großen Räder durchdrehen lässt.