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Parking stuck
Had a good day today went to A national park for coffee, the car park was just grass mush soon as I got on it I slid to the bottom and dug in, just spun like mad, boots stomping away and the tires just spinning freely sliding about on the wet field even with and mud tires took 2 hours and 5 stucks later before I got free , was “hard” work
I love a wet grass stuck. Get 'er trapped in 2wd and slick up those rear tires with MUD. Put 'er 4wd-Hi and the fronts don't have enough traction to pull 'er out. Make the happy mistake of putting the T-case in 4-Lo after getting the fronts dug into their slick, muddy traps and... BAM!!! STUCK!!! Gotta rock and spin, fighting HARD to get free! Spin 'em slow. Spin 'em fast. Forward. Reverse. You're FUCKED!!! HARD STUCK!!! And... STUCK AND HARD!!!