@truckstuckdave haha
Ever had a relationship with a stuck/tire spinning dude?
its fun thats for sure -
I have a friend like that to but unfortunately he's straight as well but he will spin his tires until thay shred wile I jack off and he deosnt care I do it. But he doesn't get hard but at least I have a friend that will let me jack off beside him wile he makes the tires scream..
@stuckfshwichser Spritzte deine Wichse dann geil in die Nylons ab, wenn die Räder hart am durchdrehen sind?
@stuckfshwichser Kann mir vorstellen, dass es geiles Gefühl sein muss, wenn du deine mega Ladung Wichse darin voll am abspritzen bist. da dauerts wahrschiliuch nicht lange, bis du in der vollgespritzten Nylon gleich wieder nen mega harten Schwanz bekommst wenn du die Räder weiter durchdrehen und wühlen lässt
@stuckfshwichser Glaub ich dir. Je länger du wühlst umso geiler wirste wenn du dich eingegraben hast. Da spritzt die Wichse schon durch deine Nylons, wenn dein steifer Riemen die am abschiessen ist.
If i had, i would do it every day
I'm afraid I haven't. But I'd love to. I first knew of my stuck fetish the first time I got my car stuck in 1984. Instant hard on. Started doing it deliberately after that. I'm Bi so I'd have no issues with guy on guy sex while stuck.
What did yea get stuck and how
@westfil11 71 Maverick. It was my first car. Still own it in fact. Got stuck in lake mud
Yea sunk in
Can't say I've had a relationship with a guy that's into the stuck+spinning, but have been lucky enough to meet a couple of guys who are into it. But only once each.
Thankfully we have the internet and sites like this that helps connect guys who enjoy this sort of thing.
Growing up, thought I would never find anyone else who got horny when stuck and spinning, but it can happen.
I have a partner who knows nothing about my fetish, and would not understand it at all. So it's like a secret part of my life.
I'm ok with that, because I know I can chat with others on sites like this one.
It's even harder to meet like minded guys now though, as currently living in southern Europe (Bulgaria)
Will be travelling back to the UK a few times this year alone and driving through Europe back to Bulgaria. So may get the chance to meet someone into the same fetish???
Doing it always gets me hard, and often have to "sort it out" if it's a quiet remote place.