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StuckGuys is a forum for people with a stuck/spinning fetish. This involves usually guys spinning or getting their vehicle stuck in mud/snow/sand or anything else. Everyone is welcome here. If your interested in stuck females check out StuckWorld

Spinning Tires on Wet Pavement

Stuck stories
  • Hey Guys,

    It was raining last night, and I was driving through a plaza near my work. I saw this dude walking out of an automotive parts store, and he immediately got my attention: work boots, backwards baseball cap, incredible bulge in his dirty jeans. He got into an older Ford Ranger pickup, backed out of the parking spot, and spun his tires on the wet parking lot. He drove up to where the traffic was stopped to exit the plaza and stopped behind the last car in the line of exiting vehicles. When the traffic started to move, he waited for a gap to build, then floored it and spun his tires again good and hard. Traffic stopped, then moved, he waited for the gap, then spun those tires again. He did this three damn times, and when he finally exited the plaza, he made a right turn and spun his tires for a good 80 feet on the wet road. Man, what I would have done with/to him if I had been in the cab of that pickup with him! GRRRRRRR!!!!!

  • @spinthosetires
    Nice man. Luv a blue collar dude in a truck, especially spinnin his wheels and pumping the pedal. Especially good if getting stuck in mud.

  • A burnout lover isn't necessarily a stuck lover. I once got brave enough to ask a Youtuber who does burnouts whether he also ever gets stuck in the mud so he can spin the tires without pressing the brake. He was not amused. It would be interesting to know one's odds of someone responding more favorably.

  • @Florian
    Yeah, know what ya say. Im a mud spinner and burnouts dont really do it for me.

  • @Florian Great perspective, Florian, and great conversation. I guess I'm one of those who muddies up the boundary (so to speak šŸ™‚ ) between getting stuck and doing burnouts. The first time I got the lawn tractor stuck in the garden as a kid, I knew that it was something I was attracted to. I've always gotten turned on by stucks, whether it's in mud or snow. Then when I got to high school and saw the hot, cocky dudes smoking their tires as they left the parking lot, I discovered that that got me going as much as getting stuck. I guess for me, it's the testosterone, cockiness, and sense of power that comes with spinning the tires whether it's in a stuck car or one that's burning rubber. Put boots and jeans on the guy, and it puts me over the top.

  • Maybe this is a good place to ask how burnouts work. I know the driver steps on the brake pedal, but how can any wheels spin then? If it is RWD vehicle, does it have brakes only on the front wheels?

  • @spinthosetires šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘

  • @Florian Hi Florian, yes, a combination of brake and gas is used in burnouts. I just like spinning my tires, whether it's on mud, snow, gravel, or wet pavement. Love the slippery feel of mud and snow, and the feeling of powering through the elements.

  • @spinthosetires What happens to the brakes on the drive wheels? Doesn't it wear them out?

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