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StuckGuys is a forum for people with a stuck/spinning fetish. This involves usually guys spinning or getting their vehicle stuck in mud/snow/sand or anything else. Everyone is welcome here. If your interested in stuck females check out StuckWorld

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Bringing in the Cows

Stuck stories
  • Pasture Lane

    Got thinkin’ about my time on a dairy farm in the hills years ago. In Winter the cows were kept in and fed inside; in Summer they went out to graze. Some of the pastures were up a muddy unsurfaced lane. It was sheltered by trees and hedges, and the soil never really dried out. Fifty cows going up and down turned it into a quagmire. The cows had to be got in about six in the morning and again mid-to-late afternoon. There was an old motorbike on the farm which you could use for fetching the cows. I have no idea, now, what it was, but it was lacking much sophistication; and very rarely got the hose pipe on it. Mostly there wasn’t time to play around, but on a Sunday afternoon I used to get back into my boiler suit, stuff my feet into my dirty size 10s and set off early to fetch in the cows. The way up the track was spinning all the way, and it didn’t take much to grind to a halt – either putting your boots down into the mud, or as a last resort putting on the front rake. It was in heaven getting the bike stuck and humping away with the wheels spinning and digging in alongside my struggling boots. Eventually I would have to release my dick so that it could stand hard and free while I rocked the bike and repeatedly twisted the hand-grip. There was mud flying everywhere as it slowly began to burry itself. I managed to move it on a bit, legging hard, but then the back wheel sank into a deeper hole made by the cows’ hooves and I was stuck again. It wouldn’t move an inch, no matter how I struggled with it. I sweated at it for a while, but it went in further and further until the seat was nearly on the ground. When I tried to lift it my wellingtons just sank furthr into the mud. I got astride and gave it one more vicious burn. I realised that it was totally bogged and came repeated shots of cum onto the tank. I was totally shagged out.

  • I’d shoot😁 a load watching that

  • Was the bike seat squishy? And wat was the owner of the bike saying?

  • No the bike seat was not squishy, it was as hard as me. It belonged to the farm, or had been left by a previous farm hand. It was used (and abused) by everyone.

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