I have gotten stuck on purpose several times for my husband. That was erotic. I was so nervous the first time. I so wanted it to turn him on as i spun my tires trying to get out. We hadnt been dating long the first time i got stuck with him with me. My heart was racing as I drove in the snow. Teasing, saying how slick the roads are and how i hope we dont get stuck. Secretly wanting the tires to spin. The roads were horrible, i knew i could easily get us stuck without him knowing it was on purpose. But i wanted it to be a surprise for both of us and i didnt have to wait long until it happened as we were going up a hill, pouring snow. I was gripping the steering wheel with leather gloved hands, gently pushing on the gas with my black leather boot, trying to keep moving. Hoping he is turned on watching me push down on the gas with my boot as the tires make that zzzzzzzzzzz sound. I was trying to get us up the hill but the road was soooo slick
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Ever tricked people into getting stuck?
I have always considered trying this but never had the guts to do it or even the right situation to do it.
Wondering if anyone here has ever mislead someone on purpose to see them get stuck?
no but, have you?
Nah. Would love to do that but also never had the chance…
Told a hot Asian guy in my grad class (1996) that we were partying on the beach just south of town, and that at low tide the beach was solid and he could just drive on down. Didn’t tell him that the pass to the beach was a groomed (raked) sand trap, designed by the city to stop vehicles from getting onto the beach. Thankful for meatheads like that guy, he didn’t think for himself, he just trusted the perception of knowledge. On the night of the “party” he shows up and drives right into said sand trap and almost instantly buries it to the frame in 4x4. I watched with the kind of hard-on only a hypersexual 18-year-old could have. He spent 3 hours in the dark trying to shovel himself out, and had to hire heavy equipment to pull him out the next day. Every time he’d get off the frame and try to back it out he’d just bury it deeper and deeper. I must have busted a dozen times watching it.
Another time I was on lunch at work and if anyone’s ever worked at a freight depot, the one I was at housed 20 or 30 different companies, most of which have operating bases elsewhere. One of the trucking companies sent an employee from their head office that everyone knew and nobody liked, and we gamed him a little bit. The parking up close to the building was full, the lot hadn’t been scraped after a 40 cm snowfall, and the only spots left were the ones along the road, which was separated from the parking lot by a 3 foot deep drainage ditch (which thanks to the snow looked like it wasn’t there.) Nobody usually parked along that side, and I was the one that put him into that drainage ditch by telling him, when he asked where he could park, that there were 6 inch tall concrete barriers along the edge and if he just creeps up til he touches it, that’s how he’ll know he’s far enough out of the way for people to get past exiting the lot. I watched out the window as dude crept his little Mazda truck forward until the ditch caught the fronts and he slid in, and for the 15 minutes I was able to watch, he went NOWHERE. The depth of the snow kept the tires off solid ground and in the end he had to wait til everyone else left for the night so there would be enough space to get the yard rig to pull him out.
blonde65 said:
no but, have you?
No but bought about doing it as I have actually never experienced this despite running this forum lol
Xavier B said:
I tried, but failed lol
How exactly I have never got to the trying stage haha
I haven't tricked anyone myself but i did ask my best friend to get my car stuck and let me watch him pedal pump trying to get the car unstuck. He agreed multiple times i asked him to do so. What we would do is find a location with a decent snowbank where it was enough to get the car firmly stuck but not too deep so that he could push me out. then i would drive into the snow bank and test to see if i was stuck. when i was, he would take over and i would get shots of the wheels spinning and shots of his feet pumping the pedals trying to get it unstuck. Afterwards he would push me out and we'd go hang out. All i could ever ask for in a best friend
@SD78QSK I’ve done that one myself a couple times. Favourite status goes to: A VW Golf got hooked on a windrow in front of my apartment building one time, I pretended to push for about 25 mins before they called a buddy with a truck. I fuck off back to mine and watch the show. Buddy turns up and pushes the Golf out in a couple minutes by hand.
I once cheated on a violated young man while pretending to help free his truck. He accelerated while I masturbated behind the vehicle, simulating that he tried to help. I ejaculated a lot.
I’ve managed to get some people stuck intentionally. A handful of times with woman, but only once with a guy. My friend (who does not have a stuck fetish but I suspect he might be bi) and I where looking for somewhere to park. We ended up finding a small street with very soft sand and a couple of free spots. He doubted for a while but I talked him into giving it a go. He pulled right in and backed onto one of the spots, when the car (a crappy 2007 Peugeot 207) had finally pulled into the spot he suddenly lost traction, his wheels spun for a few seconds and he slammed on his brakes. We left the car there without speaking a word of what had happened and when we got back let’s just say that I had some fun not helping him at all hahaha. Eventually he (with help from his led foot) completely buried the car, but luckily for us some dude with a Hilux 4x4 pulled us out.
I have also pretended to “””help””” a couple of times. The problem with that is that you must have a limit, like eventually you’ll need to help them for real. Otherwise your cover might be blown.
I consider my myself lucky since I live in a small community. People leaves the car keys in the car, so yes done this several times. As other said on this thread I can’t help pretend pushing whilst someone stuck or in need of a helping hand.
Sadly never had the luck to do this, but I often fantasized about luring a young handsome boy with a flatbed truck with those dual rear wheels coming into the grassy yard of my house, just after I was running the sprinklers for a long time.
Sounds like good fun
I have gotten several friends stuck in the snow or mud by telling them we will be fine, knowing we won't. Waiting and watching for the tires to spin. I enjoy being the driver in that situation more though. Telling them we will be ok as i know we are going to end up very very stuck soon
@Shoesandsocks Wow great your friend was perfect