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StuckGuys is a forum for people with a stuck/spinning fetish. This involves usually guys spinning or getting their vehicle stuck in mud/snow/sand or anything else. Everyone is welcome here. If your interested in stuck females check out StuckWorld

Where would you like to get stuck?

Stuck Chat

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  • Getting Stuck for a Boy Friend or Spouse

    Stuck Chat
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    4 Posts

    I have gotten stuck on purpose several times for my husband. That was erotic. I was so nervous the first time. I so wanted it to turn him on as i spun my tires trying to get out. We hadnt been dating long the first time i got stuck with him with me. My heart was racing as I drove in the snow. Teasing, saying how slick the roads are and how i hope we dont get stuck. Secretly wanting the tires to spin. The roads were horrible, i knew i could easily get us stuck without him knowing it was on purpose. But i wanted it to be a surprise for both of us and i didnt have to wait long until it happened as we were going up a hill, pouring snow. I was gripping the steering wheel with leather gloved hands, gently pushing on the gas with my black leather boot, trying to keep moving. Hoping he is turned on watching me push down on the gas with my boot as the tires make that zzzzzzzzzzz sound. I was trying to get us up the hill but the road was soooo slick

  • Stuck experiences with your father?

    Stuck Chat
    3 Votes
    4 Posts

    @redredd22 .Muchas gracias. valoro tu comentario, amigo.

  • how was it for you growing up as a stuck lover?

    Stuck Chat
    6 Votes
    17 Posts

    Hey guys, great posts. My experience was very similar to many of yours. When I was a kid I used to like getting the lawn mower stuck and spinning my tires. Watching other dudes getting stuck has always turned me on but I kept it to myself and never told anyone. Even through my teen years into adulthood I thought I was the only one with this interest. But the first time I searched online for "stuck" and "spinning tires" my world opened up. I discovered a ton of hot videos of dudes getting stuck, mudding, etc. and eventually realized that there are other dudes out there like me. This forum is the best one I've found. I was on it a bit before but computer issues forced me off. Am happy to be back in the group and am looking forward to checking out the hot content here. Have a great day, men!

  • Parking stuck

    Stuck Chat
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    16 Posts


    That car park was like mush everyone was spinning.
    It was so slick I was sliding so much. It was so unexpected, it didn’t look too bad and then nothing I just sat there and spun

  • So close to getting stuck!

    Stuck Chat
    6 Votes
    2 Posts

    It happened to me too. Once I was passenger and the driver took a wrong road. I knew it was a wrong road but I did not say anything because that road was becoming a sandy road with a high probability to get stuck... Unfortunately he did not get too far on that road and we couldn't get stuck... I just felt a few light wheel spins but it was not enough for me😢

  • stuck erotics

    Stuck Chat
    2 Votes
    11 Posts

    Geht mir auch so, Wixe mich dabei








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