Very nice story! 🙂
How to get stuck continued
If you really want to get seriously bogged down, choose a field where the soil has been disturbed and then there’s been lots of rain: like a potato or root field, perhaps where the field border (headland) has been left uncropped. Either you can launch into it and then just sit there spinning, or you can nudge in, perhaps in reverse, see how for you can get, then try to get out. That’s when the excitement gets to its height. You need to have help on hand. Once you get truly bogged down no amount of rocking and revving will help; in fact it’ll probably get you in deeper until you are down to the axles. You’re not going anywhere. YOU’RE STUCK. YOU’RE FUCKIN’ S-T-U-C-K. You might just as well sit there and enjoy it until assistance arrives.
Another way to get stuck is stop half way up a hill in deep snow or ice and then try to get going. Its risky because you could slide off the road
Last night, after I had a fun chat on here. We went and tried to drive up this old logging road near my house and through the woods. The road is just grass over dirt. We've gotten a lot of rain so it was really slick. I got to this one spot and felt the tires spin. I knew we were going to have problems. So I kept going and then the tires were really spinning. I tried to keep going. Pushing on the gas, car barely moving. I could hear the mud flying up as i kept on the gas with my boot. Then the car stopped moving. I kept giving it gas. Saying out loud, come on, you can do it, come on. secretly knowing i'm just getting us stuck. I kept trying, talking to the car, come on, come on, rear starting to slide to the side a little, but the car wasn't moving.
In your car or suv
@westfil11 in the car
Good fun then
Doing just that has gotten me so stuck when i slid off the road as my tires were spinning on the hill. I had stopped half way up the snowy hill and then tried to get going. Pretending I was stuck, tires spinning and then i started sliding backwards
You are EXACTLY RIGHT in all aspects! A plowed-up field... soggy with moisture/rain... will BOG a guy and his vehicle down quicker than snot... in anything he's driving! Yes, after spinning the tires to mock trying to get unstuck...maybe have a smoke...rub a hard/slick one off... and wait for assistance!
Oh my, you were very stuck
Other way to get stuck in the snow is to stop and then try to get going. If it is cold out, the more you spin it will form an icy layer in the rut until you are sooooo stuck