What a sexy stuck! Before I’d get in I’d have to try and push. There’d be no way I could push that thing out of the mud, but I’d love to feel it spin mud up on my pants and with any luck my crotch! I’d be cumming in my pants for sure!!
Stuck grab driver with a big bulge
Hi everybody
Yesterday, I hired a grab taxi to take me to the market. He was a young driver with tight jeans, probably around 24. He was so friendly. On the way , we had a discussion about his driving experience. as we approached the market, he stopped but I asked him to take me to the back gate.He refused and said the back road is grassy and might be wet. But I said no raining and it should be fine. He agreed and took me. As we approached the grassy area, I saw him a bit nervous but he drove easily without any trouble because of no rain. I was quite sad because I missed the great opportunity. As we arrived, I paid him and got off. But something happened. as he tried to make a u turn, his wheels started spinning. I was so excited. He got off and observed the situation. The front wheels were in wet grassy area. His bulge was so noticeable. He tried to reverse with wheels spinning so much. I tried to get in. He accepted and continued spinning. So excited. Finally he freed the car. -
@Tommy1365 Exciting story. Did you meet the guy again? With me and my sexy old car you could have such
an adventure every day. Plus cranking. I always drive barefoot. Do you like that?