@redredd22 ..my opinion also
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Daily Stuck stuff
Having a 4x4 justifies using snow filled parking spaces in winter. Plenty times drivers pull off the road to turn around, check directions, etc then hit the throttle to spin out and get buried or fishtail. Big rig pulls onto sand or gravel or mud not realising it's gonna grab hold. Cop pulls over to check paperwork, update computer and slides around wet grass or slick mud when it's time to move.
Look for a YouTube video, Grapevine Texas police SUV stuck in mud. Police pursuit spec Tahoe unable to get off grassy freeway median in heavy rain after trying to cross it to make a traffic stop. Taken from a restaurant table by the window, chatter and hubbub fr diners.
In fact, search any particular vehicle stuck in mud keywords to come up with photos, videos, stories. -
It’s raining over on the east coast this week... which means ground should be good and soggy! Hoping I can get some time to play around.
@easygoingguy Make good use out of that rain. Remember to always pull off the side of the pavement to take that call or text. Damn! Tires spin and dig but this truck won't budge! STUCK AND HARD... AGAIN!!!
@HardStuck you can count on that Hardstuck
today was a really horny day. on my way home i was at a red traffic light and my backwheel stood on the tram rail, still wet from the rain. i just couldn't resist and did a burnout on it for a few seconds. everyone must have been thinking i'm such a showoff..... if they knew what thing i was actually enjoying there heh
just saw this and my first thought was " this i will NOT buy" heh
Start at 2:09such an anti stuck device that takes away all fun
@Kevin I'm with Sir on this one... I have lots of 'unstuck stuff' and end up using most of it at different times, under different situations. Such equipment needing a firm anchor point tends to be used the least. I always say I have it to help 'other helpless stuckards', but the reality is; it's more to help me self-rescue after having TOO MUCH FUN!!!
@sirstuck ahh yeah thats true. well i still hope this device doesn't get around too much and ruining potential stuck situations we could have watch heh
@HardStuck ahh yeah that makes perfect sense as a stucker. it's giving longer fun times spinning without worrying to not get out without help.
@Kevin Because I spend as much time outdoors as I possibly can, it's a necessity to be as self-sufficient as possible. Many times my adventures find me MANY MILES (KILOMETERS) from paved roads or highways. Cellular phone service isn't available in many of my favorite areas. Some of my BEST STUCKS happen in these places!!!
@HardStuck i bet with 4 wheeled vehicles it's the most important to have some devices to get out. well with my bike i rarely got in a situation i couldn't unstuck it myself. in most cases if you keep rocking it back and forth while revving it on second gear the rutt widens until you can just drive out.
The area I live in is too populated for me to look around. I do have a best friend who is fairly opposite of what my views are but he does understand me and is willing to do some things for me despite the fact that he doesn't believe in my quirks. He is very supportive of me and will do some things for me if I ask. There are times where if we do get some snow in the area we look around for mini snow banks where i can get my car stuck in.
In those cases that happens, i ask him to pedal pump my car while I record the wheels spinning and he will do it for me. We'll sit in the snowbank for about half an hour or so spinning the wheels and getting the car stuck. then when we've had enough (or in my case got my footage) he'll push the car out and we go on our merry way.
@Shoesandsocks it's great to see you found a person you can have this kind of fun with! especially the fact he actually is the opposite of your view and still is understanding. how was his reaction when you told him about your fetish?